Our Suffolk Cottage Garden: 2018

What an icey start to the year. this was! We started with snow and it went on for a couple of months. This was pretty deep and the snow drifted on the land around our cottage, here by the Suffolk coast. We had moments of seeming reprieve, when it seemed at last that the thaw... Continue Reading →

Our Suffolk Cottage Garden: 2013

This was a year which started with quite a persistent snowfall. I tend to dread the onset of snow, because it has always brought prolonged cold that causes me considerable physical pain. I was still pre-Parkinson's diagnosis, though I much suspected Parkinson's, in 2013. Yet, I was still living with the symptoms and these were... Continue Reading →

My Suffolk Cottage Garden: 2009

My then partner, Kevin (now my husband) and I moved into our Suffolk cottage, which dates back to the 16th century, in 2009. It was October and the first thing we knew we had to address was that the main private garden, at the rear of the cottage, did not have a complete fence. This... Continue Reading →

In Focus: Cold Days

"In the height of winter, Deano and I shared a glimpse into our lives in the cold of the snowy season. My family and I are based in Lincolnshire and Deano and his are based in Suffolk. If you enjoy snowfall, then you'll like this video. Did you have snow, where you live, over winter?... Continue Reading →

In Focus: Here and There

"It's good people who make good places."- Anna Sewell. "In this video, Tracy and I share something of our day. We start with my morning in Suffolk and move to Tracy's afternoon in Lincolnshire. Oh...and it's during winter. Brrrr! How has your winter been? Please tell us about how your typical winters day looks, in... Continue Reading →

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